ToxicoWatch is performing the next coming years biomonitoring research of emissions WtE waste incinerator in Zubieta, Basque Country, Spain.
TW performs biomonitoring on different matrices in the area near to the waste incinerator. Used biomatrices are: human mother milk, eggs of backyard chicken, vegetation/leaves of pine needles (Pinus radiata), Holy (Ilex aquifolium), Gorse (Ulex europaeus), moss, soil, sediment and water. The analyses concerning dioxins (PCDD/F/dl-PCB), PFAS endocrine disrupting compounds (ERaCALUX) and heavy metals. Report of zero measurements is performed in 2019, follow-up researches has taken place in 2020 and 2021. New report of biomonitoring research Zubieta 2019-2021 will be expected March 2022.