TW-Reports, Articles & Abstracts
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2024). Biomonitoring research on persistent organic pollutants in the environment surrounding the Cement plant in Turňa nad Bodvou, Slovakia 2023
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2024). Biomonitoringsonderzoek naar persistente organische verontreinigende stoffen in de omgeving van de REC afvalverbrandingsoven, Harlingen, Nederland
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2024). Biomonitoring research on persistent organic pollutants in the environment of the Waste Incinerator REC, Harlingen, The Netherlands
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2023). PFAS in eieren van hobbykippen, TW-onderzoek Beringen, België 2023
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2023). Hidden emissions waste incinerator IVRY-PARIS XIII
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2023). La pollution invisible de l’incinérateur d’Ivry - Paris XIII, Analyses des mesures en semi-continu par le dispositif AMESA (années 2020 et 2021)
Arkenbout (2023). Pseudomonas in poultry slaughterhouses.
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2023). Biomonitoring research dioxins eggs backyard chicken Beringen, Belgium 2022, Publication number: 2023-BE-03
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2023). Biomonitoringonderzoek dioxinen in kippeneieren, Beringen, België 2022
Bersi E, Nico Schmidt N. (2023). Burning Questions remain over Europe’s waste incinerators, interview Investigate Europe Magazine 27-4-2023
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM (2022). Face masks and the shutdown of brain, heart, and reproduction system, ToxicoWatch
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2022) Biomonitoring research dioxins (PCDD/F/dl-PCB), PFAS and PAH in relation to waste incineration in Kaunas, Madrid, and Pilsen, Zero Waste Europe
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2022) Biomonitoring research dioxins (PCDD/F/dl-PCB), PFAS and PAH in relation to waste incineration in Kaunas, Madrid, and Pilsen, full version report Zero Waste Europe 2022
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2021). The True Toxic Toll - Biomonitoring Research Madrid, Spain 2021. Zero Waste Europe
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2021). The True Toxic Toll - Biomonitoring research Kaunas, Lithuania 2021, Zero Waste Europe
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2021). The True Toxic Toll - Biomonitoring research Pilsen, Czech Republic, Zero Waste Europe
Arkenbout (2021). The costs of hidden bacteria: challenges for representative sampling and measuring bacterial loads in an industrial slaughterhouse. Spectroscopy World
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM (2021). Biomonitoring research Paris, C3R Paris, France
ToxicoWatch (2021). Biomonitoring research Beringen, Belgium. Version NL. City of Beringen
Arkenbout, A, 2020. Hidden temperatures: Emissions implications in the post-combustion zone of waste incinerators, Zero Waste Europe
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2020). Biomonitoring research Zubieta Gipuzkoa Basque Country, 2019
Arkenbout, A. (2019). The hidden impacts of incinerator residues, Zero Waste Europe
Arkenbout, A. (2018). Hidden Emissions: A story from the Netherlands, a case study, Zero Waste Europe, www.zerowasteeurope.eu
Arkenbout A., Bouman KJAM. (2020). Van Seveso tot Zaltbommel Verborgen Emissies? Rapportage bevindingen Chemische industrie Zaltbommel, NL, Comité Bezorgde Burgers Zaltbommel, www.toxicowatch.org
Arkenbout, A, Olie K, Esbensen KH, (2018). Emission regimes of POPs of a Dutch incinerator: regulated, measured and hidden issues. Organohalogen Compounds Vol. 80, 413-416
Arkenbout, A, Olie K, Esbensen KH, (2018). Emission regimes of POPs of a Dutch incinerator: regulated, measured and hidden issues. Presentation Dioxin Conference Krakow 2018
Arkenbout, A, Sarolea, HA, (2018). Temperature and Oxygen levels in the post-combustion zone of a Waste-to-Energy Incinerator, abstract, poster.
Arkenbout, A, Bouman KJAM, (2018). Emissions of dl-PCB, PBB, PBDD/F, PBDE, PFOS, PFOA, and PAH from a waste incinerator, abstract, poster.
Arkenbout, A, (2017). Application of the Theory of Sampling (TOS) on Unintentional produced POPs.
Arkenbout A, Li M, Olie K., Bouman K.J.A.M., (2017). Can sheep wool be used as a biomarker for dioxin pollution?
Arkenbout, A., Behnisch P. (2017). PAHs depositions in the environment of a waste incinerator.
Arkenbout, A, Esbensen KH, 2017. Biomonitoring and source tracking of dioxins in the Netherlands, Eighth World Conference On Sampling and Blending / Perth, Wa, 9–11 May 2017, 117-124.
Arkenbout, A. (2016). Biomonitoring and source tracking of dioxins in the Netherlands, Organohalogen Compd. Vol. 78, 352-355.
Arkenbout, A. (2015). Biomonitoring and source tracking of dioxins/dl-PCBs in the North of the Netherlands, Organohalogen Compd. Vol. 77, 456-459.
Arkenbout, A. (2014). Biomonitoring of dioxins/dl-PCBs in the north of the Netherlands; eggs of backyard chickens, cow and goat milk and soil as indicators of pollution. Organohalogen Compd. 76, 1407–1410.
Ten Tusscher G. W., Leijs M.M., Arkenbout A, de Boer L., Olie K., Vulsma T., Eikelenboom C., Behnisch P., Ilsen A., Koppe J.G., (2014). Dioxins and innate immunity in the neonatal period and in adolescence in the Netherlands, Organohalogen Compounds Vol. 76, 728-731.
Ten Tusscher G.W., Koetsier J., Vulsma T., Leijs M.M., Olie K., Arkenbout A., Koppe J.G. (2015). Babies, Dioxins and Coagulation, Organohalogen Compounds Vol. 77, 730-732.
Arkenbout, A. (2013).Inventariserend onderzoek dioxinen Harlingen, Stichting Toxicowatch.